While this website is supposed to be a multipurpose personal blog about what I find interesting, it will probably turn into DIY-on-your-computer AI related blog.
While I'll always try to add some personal added value in my articles, my main source of information is for the moment a list of YouTube channels. If you are interested in "diy-on-your-computer AI" generative content, like image generation or LLM text generation, you may be interested in these channels too.
You will probably notice that there is some redundancy between these channels.
A very good YouTube channels mostly about image generation and image editing.
Very interesting, some very good tutorials.
If you want to start to do image generation, watch this video to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHaL56P6f5M
Tutorials about image or video generation.
It is actually a pretty old YouTube channel on this topic.
Tutorials and tests on image generation and text generation.
It's probably one of the channels that I watch the most, but probably because the videos are easy to watch.
Mostly image generation. His older videos are related to photography.
Mostly image generation. More about art less about photography.
His older videos are about Photoshop edition.
Tutorials on random computer things, some are related to Automatic1111 or to ChatGpt.
Some tutorials on image generation, more tutorials on text generation.
His icon is paperclip, my only friend in the 2000s, so I have to quote him.
Topic about AI generation, less DYI-locally.
While this channel is not very popular (yet?), I think, its content is more mainstream than the others.
Is interested in content generation (speech, video, lip synch, stereoscopic pictures) and Unity (video game engine)
Generalist channel about AI generation.